What can I expect at the first appointment?
The first consultation is one hour long. We have you fill out a questionnaire prior to the appointment. You can download this from the web page or fill it out prior to the appointment. We request medical records be sent in advance or brought in to your first appointment. Medical records will be reviewed with you. A full exam will take place and then a treatment plan will be advised and started. Treatments may involve any of the modalities listed previously.
How many treatments will my pet require?
This really depends on the disease being treated. Typically there will be a weekly treatment for four weeks for chronic diseases, however this is flexible and case dependent. On going treatments again depend on the disease, the patient, modality adopted and owners availability.
What types of diseases can be treated with holistic medicine?
Any disease! However the cases we see most frequently are allergies, cancer, arthritis, disc prolapse, kidney disease, liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroid disease and seizures. As all diseases are caused by an imbalance in the body, any disease can be treated with holistic medicine. Some diseases are better treated with holistic medicine and some need the more rapid, quick acting treatment of medication. Any chronic disease or one with minimal treatment options in western medicine should definitely be considered for holistic medicine.
Are you a full service vet clinic?
No we are not. Our focus is on Holistic Medicine. We do not offer surgery or diagnostics apart from bloodwork. We strongly recommend clients have a regular DVM to use for emergencies and diagnostics. This allows us to concentrate on what we do best.